Webinar #5: Board Gender Diversity and Responsible Banking During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Finance and Banking Network is organizing Webinar #5 titled “Board gender diversity and responsible banking during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Speaker: Professor Alper Kara, University of Huddersfield, UK.
– Date and time: April 30, 2022, at 09.00 AM – UK time.
– Time zones: 4:00 AM (New York, USA); 15:00 (Hanoi, Vietnam); 18:00 (Sydney, Australia), 20:00 (Auckland, New Zealand).
– Please register your space via the following link: https://bit.ly/3KQeu0K
Speaker’s profile: Professor Alper Kara is a Professor of Finance and the Head of Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics at University of Huddersfield, UK. His research is related to the stability of the financial system and well-being of its participants. It covers topics in securitization pricing and performance, responsible banking, financial exclusion and access to finance, bank governance and syndicated loan markets. He published in world leading journals and co-authored three books. Some of his work has featured in globally important policy making institutions (Fed, ECB, IMF, and BIS). He serves as an Associate Editor of the European Journal of Finance; International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance; and on the Advisory Board of British Accounting and Finance Association, Financial Markets & Institutions Special Interest Group. Furthermore, he has acted as a research consultant to the European Central Bank on various occasions and as an Expert Advisor to Europe Economics Consultancy on their European Commission Project on EU loan syndication markets. Some of his research projects were awarded research grants from British Academy and Nuffield Foundation, among others.