Webinar #4: Climate Defaults and Financial Adaptation
Finance and Banking Network – AVSE Global is organizing WEBINAR #4: “Climate Defaults and Financial Adaptation”.
– Speaker: Dr. Toan Phan – Senior Economist at Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, US.
Speaker’s profile: Dr. Toan Phan is a Senior Economist at Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, US. His research focuses on climate economics and macroeconomic issues. He received a PhD in Economics from Northwestern University, Illinois in 2012 and a BS in Mathematics from Bucknell University, PA in 2006. Dr Phan was Assistant Professor in economics at UNC Chapel Hill for five years then joined the Department of the Treasury, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond in 2017. Dr Phan has published a number of papers in journals such as American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics; Journal of Money Credit and Banking; International Economic Review; Economic Theory.
– Host: Dr Linh Pham, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Central Oklahoma, US.
– Date and time: March 31st, 2022, at 11:00 Chicago, IL, USA.
– Time zones: March 31st, 2022, at 17:00 (London, UK); 23:00 (Hanoi, Vietnam); 11:00 (Chicago, IL, USA).
April 01st, 2022 at 3.00 (Sydney, AU) and 5.00 (Auckland, NZ)
Please register your space in advance for this webinar using the registration link: https://bit.ly/3CGJSeG